Do wild tortoises get overgrown beaks, and if not, why not?
Calcium levels in substrates, graze plants, and UV-B distribution in Mediterranean tortoise habitats
Tortoise Shell Deformities: A View from the Inside
Natural and Artificial Nest Sites for Terrestrial Tortoises & Semi-terrestrial Turtles
The Tortoise Myth-Busters: Episode 5
Wild Tortoises and Winter Temperatures
Testudo ibera in Turkey
Tortoise Trust Online Course
The Outdoor Factor? Natural healing from trauma in tortoises
Nocturnal Activity in Mediterranean Tortoises
Habitat Enrichment for Tortoises - Do we underestimate their real needs?
Winter Feeding - A Practical Guide - Revised
The Weird, Wild World of Commercial Tortoise Foods
The Tortoise Myth-Busters: Episode 4
The Tortoise Myth-Busters: Episode 3
The Tortoise Myth-Busters: Episode 2
Data Loggers for Tortoise Keepers
Some incredible recoveries from wild fires
The Tortoise Myth-busters: Episode 1